Somerset Church has resumed services during COVID-19 on July 4. Sabbath School will start at 9:15 a.m. and Divine Worship at 11:00 a.m. You are warmly invited to attend, and remember to bring your mask.
Below are the guidelines for all those who are attending.
- If you are not feeling well, you may tune in online via ZOOM – ID: 562-271-1209; PW: 4412342979; YouTube (search – SomersetSdaChurch); FACEBOOK – (search – SomersetSdaChurch). As much as we would like to see you, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COME OUT IF YOU ARE FEELING UNWELL.
- Upon arrival at the church, your temperature will be checked. If it is within the normal range you will be permitted to attend the service. You will be required to use hand sanitizer upon entering the church.
- Face masks must be worn for the entire duration of the services. Please have your mask on upon exiting your vehicle.
- Hand sanitizer is provided at the entrance of the church and will be required for all those entering/exiting the church. If you have any sensitivities or allergies to hand sanitizers, you must provide and show your own hand sanitizing method.
- Social distancing of 6 feet will be in place.
- Entry into the sanctuary will be done through the marked entry door and exiting the sanctuary will be through the main double doors that will be marked exit only. It is important that you follow the signage posted to comply with social distancing requirements.
- Please follow signs with regard to seating arrangements. Immediate family members can sit together.
- Restroom facilities will be limited to the downstairs restrooms only and in keeping with the guidelines, only one person will be allowed in at a time. You are encouraged to wash your hands with soap and hot water for 20 seconds. Upon leaving the restroom, you will be required to use the hand sanitizer located outside the restrooms.
- Even though we will all be happy to see each other AVOID handshakes, hugs, kisses, and/or holding hands.
- At the completion of the service, you are to remain seated until you are ushered out in accordance with social distancing requirements. Upon exiting the sanctuary please go directly to your vehicle and do not stop to socialize with others.
We look forward to seeing you at the Somerset Seventh-day Adventist Church, and may God continue to bless you.